The article Snooping Bosses gives a number of examples on how employers and bosses use new technology too spy on their employees.
Is I read the article I didn’t get surprised, company are usually started because someone wants to earn money, and in the ever increasing chase for more money it sometimes is easy to step over moral lines.
I believe that spying on your employees are wrong. You as am employer should trust your workers and have a healthy relationship to them. As it is both is the right thing to do and as the workers feel appreciated they will do a better job.
I have as long as I now can remember believed that many problems can be solved with a good upbringing , to learn good moral values, and then build on that with giving credit on positive behaviour.
I don’t say we should stop using technology as we have problems with employees cheating and stealing. But just relying on snooping and blocking the workers is not the way to go.
Ps. I'm sorry that i didn't post this entry in time. Ds.
Ps. I'm sorry that i didn't post this entry in time. Ds.
Hi Chris, Im right with you on a lot of what you are saying. One can clearly see that you put faith in humanity. And in this times that is a good thing! But there are certain points I want to make.
SvaraRaderaFirst of all.
Sure a good upbringing will create mostly nice people with a good work ethic but as today, that is not the case and therefore there might be a need to control your workers work.
Second of all.
If its a large company there is hard to have a "healty" relationship to everyone. Statisticly you will have a certain amount of slackers that will need a kick in their rear end every now and then. I think trust is not something you just give to each and everyone you meet, trust is something you earn over time.
And third off all.
I know I know, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. But maybe you would have spoted some wrongs in your text if you read it through a couple of times.
Peace out dude
Chris clearly explains that we are living in a capitalist word where the main target is to make money whatever is the way used. There, the way used is the “cost-effective time” which prefer to delete the human side for the profit of the factory. It can choke some persons but it is a reality which is not going to change.
SvaraRaderaThe snooping is for a big part, made to increase the profitability of factories, but it is also deleting human respect, unfortunately...
It is too easy to say that spying employees is wrong. The globalization is making factories directors increasing the profitability, and they have to make some rules if they don’t want to see their factories closing because of loss.
The spying is a way to make decreasing the time lost by employees in their work whereas they should be working and making money for their boss who pays them for that.
The globalization is a big machine made by the society which still wants to buy cheaper and earn more money. It is the same machine which is destroying our society.
Yes, employers should trust their employees but they can’t because of the pressure to make money and, unfortunately, have to forget good relationships. Even if employees feel appreciate; they will continue to surf on internet because it is not illegal, and they don’t feel cheating by doing that.
It is right that a good mentality could help to diminish this problem, but it will not be enough to stop it because to surf on internet is completely usual.
I agree with the first Chris’ idea which is, I think, according to the reality of our world. But I am disappointed that he doesn’t speak about the solutions for this problem.