tisdag 23 november 2010

Word trade

Add your words as a comment, with professional definitions in English and authentic examples of usage.

23 September

  • Indict                      

  • Squint                     

  • Reconciliation          

  • Emancipate             

  • Fuse                                              

  • Flabbergasted          When you are astounded, shocked.
She was flabbergasted at how much weight she had gained.
  • Maverick                 Someone who is an individualist, savage, rebel.
He was a maverick to take that stand in that question.

7 October

21 October

  • Coherent                  Something that fixed together, it is consistent
The text was coherent.
  • Marooned

  • Scruff

  • Flaunt

  • Elude

  • Obstinate

  • Murmur

11 November

18 November

  • Hogwash                 When something is nonsense, rubbish.
His speech was total hogwash, it had no facts.
  • Oblivion                   Something that is forgotten or is no more.
The band had a few hits and then faded into oblivion.

onsdag 17 november 2010

The Story of Stuff

The Story Of Stuff

Is a short movie by Annie Leonard and her thought, ideas and investigations about the consumer society in the western world and far most the U.S. The story of stuff is one of the most viewed environmental short movies of all times with over 12 million on-line views. Annie Leonard has worked for over 20 years with environmental issues. And she has traveled the whole world and visited over 100 factories and dumps to get a better knowledge and understanding of the environmental problems of today. This has resulted in the story of stuff project.

I love clips, movies and documentaries about the environmental and consumer market. This is no exception, even if most of her facts are based on the U.S. the message in her film is still true. I have the same believe as Annie, that the free market model is not a good model for the environmental.

I don’t like the idea of corporations having more influence on people then the government. As corporations only goal is to earn money, that goal can only drive the corporations to create more competitive products, and a fast and easy way to do that is to sell cheaper products. As seen in the movie to get cheaper products to the consumer other people will have to pay for it with there lives. And as a consumer it is hard to see the big picture, you usually only look at the price of a product.

I think education is the key to many problems in society, a poorly educated population will not see what problems there actions will cause, something that history is testimony to. There is a number of examples were we just have done something without knowing the consequences and then afterwards have been forced to deal with aftermath. Therefore I think it is a good idea to try and wake people up and inform them on the problems of today, what we can do to minimize them or fix them.

A movie I strongly recommend is the Yes men’s; The Yes men fix the world. Two men trying to fix the world via elaborated hoax and with the help of the system they are trying to fight, the free market.

tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Thoughts on Snooping Bosses

   The article Snooping Bosses gives a number of examples on how employers and bosses use new technology too spy on their employees.
Is I read the article I didn’t get surprised, company are usually started because someone wants to earn money, and in the ever increasing chase for more money it sometimes is easy to step over moral lines.
   I believe that spying on your employees are wrong. You as am employer should trust your workers and have a healthy relationship to them. As it is both is the right thing to do and as the workers feel appreciated they will do a better job.
   I have as long as I now can remember believed that many problems can be solved with a good upbringing , to learn good moral values, and then build on that with giving credit on positive behaviour.
   I don’t say we should stop using technology as we have problems with employees cheating and stealing. But just relying on snooping and blocking the workers is not the way to go.

Ps. I'm sorry that i didn't post this entry in time. Ds.